Once I have come up with some ideas to drive the unit, I will turn to the Manitoba curricula to find where I can find connections to these themes.
For the purpose of this assignment I have chosen to use Grade 2 outcomes because I am places in a Grade 1/2 classroom in my final student teaching practicum.
Here are some Outcomes from the Aboriginal Education that connect to Art and Drama:
1.1.2: A-2 derive meaning from and respond to visuals and other forms of non-verbal communication in guided situations
1.1.2: C-2 view and respond to simple, familiar representations and media in the classroom context
1.1.4: A-2 listen and respond using very simple social interaction patterns (e.g., greeting–response, question–answer)
1.1.4: B-2 use non-verbal communication (e.g., gestures, facial expressions) in familiar contexts
1.2.1: B-2 use verbal and non-verbal communication to express meaning in guided situations
1.2.2: A-2 demonstrate awareness of the need to speak at a volume appropriate for classroom situations
1.2.2: B-2 demonstrate awareness of differences in tone of voice for various situations
1.2.4: A-2 associate words with the corresponding object, action, or concept (e.g., pictures of weather,
1.2.4: B-2 identify and repeat isolated words and specific phrases in concrete situations
2.1.1: B-2 imitate sounds and intonation patterns
2.1.1: C-2 memorize new words by repeating them silently or aloud
2.1.1: D-2 do actions to match the words of a song, story, or rhyme
2.1.1: E-2 learn short rhymes or songs, incorporating new vocabulary or sentence patterns
2.1.1: F-2 use gestures, intonation, and visual supports to aid comprehension
2.3.1: D-2 watch others’ actions and copy them
2.3.1: E-2 work with others in performing language and cultural learning tasks
2.4.1: A-2 follow own natural curiosity and intrinsic motivation to learn
2.1.1: G-2 classify objects and ideas according to their attributes (e.g., size, shape, animate and
4.1.3: A-2 identify types of Aboriginal art and crafts
4.1.3: B-2 discuss the significance of music and musical instruments (e.g., drums) in Aboriginal cultures
4.1.3: C-2 describe traditional Aboriginal dances
4.2.3: A-2 give examples of ways in which people depend on the Earth for survival
4.2.3: B-2 locate on a map and identify major natural resources in Manitoba
4.2.3: F-2 demonstrate understanding of how various plants are used by Aboriginal peoples in Canada
4.2.3: G-2 identify ways to promote the importance of conserving or restoring natural resources (e.g.,
participating in Earth Day celebrations)
*NOTE: There are also several connections being made to Science and Social Studies Outcomes in these Aboriginal Education Outcomes
Links to curricula:
http://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/abedu/framework/k-12_ab_lang.pdf (Kindergarten to Grade 12 Aboriginal Languages and Cultures Manitoba Curriculum Framework of Outcomes)
http://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/cur/arts/drama/framework.html (
Kindergarten to Grade 8 Drama Manitoba Curriculum Framework of Outcomes)
http://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/cur/arts/visual/framework.html (
Kindergarten to Grade 8 Visual Arts
Manitoba Curriculum Framework of Outcomes)